None of this woulden't exist if it wasn't for sadgrl & Mordecai lol.

This neocities is going to be where we really are as a collective; it's our true self embodied into a webpage. This neocities is 18+, and we've marked it as such on the site itself, so if you're below of 18 and somehow have gotten here, please just interact and read with caution. Go do your homework; you will never escape the reminders!!!!

We're new to the world of HTML, so hopefully one day we won't need templates or the chronic confusion on...what the fuck we're doing! We know HTML and stuff well enough to do slight edits and what-not, but full on making a site from scratch is not in our near future! We hope to one day make our own, from scratch, HTML site here.

Feel free to click above on the tabs for more extensive ramblings, we're a chatter box and we love to write about ourselves. Having NPD is hard, but talking about ourself elevates some chaos in our head...speaking of NPD.

We have a LOT of views that some would consider "bad" and "immoral", and we're here to say that we do not care! We state this due to one of our "bad" views is that pwNPD aren't abusive, and that Narc(isstic) abuse doesn't exist.

We also do not know where to poltically align ourselves; the left is a breeding ground of intersexism, antisemitism, racism, fatmisa, and queer exclusion/infighting while the right is filled with if not more intersexism, antisemitism, racism, fatmisa, and straight up queermisa. Honestly, the only thing the left is good at doing is drowning out minorities while the right wants to kill the minorities; dare I say they're two sides of the same govermental coin.

Also, while we're on the topic of politics, I will state now that we are a Zionist. Now, don't get me wrong, the Israel goverment sucks horse cock just like every other goverment does, but despite this I still believe the state of Israel has the right to exist.

Bringing this section to a close I will state now that we are also a paraphile; we're anti-contact and profiction. Attraction doesn't equal action, nor do thought crimes exist.